Bandai 1/144 "RX-77 GunCannon". Federation artillery mobile-suit.
I made this diorama from the picture below; a box-art of Bandai 1/144 Full-Coloured-Model kit (limited edition) released some 20 years ago.
This is a second kit of RX-77 in Bandai HGUC Series. The shape is much smarter than previous kit.
I made the model's leg 2mm shorter by cutting hip joint. I thought it makes the mobile-suit looks much muscular but the result is not so impressve.
Painted with GAIA-Colour. 1:1 blend of "Coral Pink" & "Rose Deep Red".
Filtered with AK's "Flesh Mud". Put Tamiya Wethering Master sand effect around foot parts.
顔の周辺はすこしだけディティールアップ。高頭部のアンテナを、1/700 護衛艦模型の砲パーツに交換。キャノン砲の基部にも、同じく救命いかだパーツをつけて密度感を。しかしこの砲、口径240mmだそうですが、縮尺を考えるとどう考えても700mm以上ありそう。まじめに設定を考えれば、たぶん実際の砲身は内部にあるんでしょう。
Sensor rods on head are converted with 1:700 ship model's junk parts. Shoulder Guns' hinge as well.
They say guns are 240mm caliber but they look more than 700mm considering scale ratio. I guess the guns are actually outer jackets of barrels inside. But hey, this is an anime character after all.
Scenery base add a sence of reality to this 18 meter anime chalacter.
From the back, the mobile-suit looks very boxy design. I think it makes the character more actual machine-like.
HGUC 190 1/144 RX-77-2 ガンキャノン (機動戦士ガンダム)
- 出版社/メーカー: バンダイ
- 発売日: 2015/06/20
- メディア: おもちゃ&ホビー
- この商品を含むブログ (7件) を見る